Aviation and other Links
Updated March 14, 2025
Note: These links will open a new browser window
If you discover a dead link, please e-mail webmaster. Thank you!

Mustang / Homebuilt

Mustang Aeronautics
Homebuilt Homepage - Index and reference on Homebuilt Experimental aircraft
Ron Wanttaja's Homebuilt Aircraft - Extensive Homebuilt Aircraft Links site
Aviation Web pages - EAA Chapters and Homebuilder links

Aviation Links

AirNav - Free detailed aeronautical information on airports and navigational aids
Alaska Airmen's Association - Based at Lake Hood, Anchorage, Alaska
AvWeb - Aviation News and Links
Bahamas - Private Flying - procedures, forms, services
EAA Chapter 42 - Anchorage, Alaska
EAA Chapter 79 - Spokane, Washington
EAA Chapter 182 - Memphis, Tennessee
Fly Away Simulation
Free Ground school - VERY nice multi-media courses
International Aircraft Registration Codes - Tail Numbers by Country
Landings - Aviation Links
Private 2 ATP - Everything you need to know, to go from Private 2 ATP!
The Aviation Home Page - Large selection of aviation Links
Thirty Thousand Feet - Huge aviation Directory

Aviation Photos

Airliners.net - 2,900,000 Airliner photos
Alaska Photo - by Alaska Aviation photographer Rob Stapleton

FAA Advisory Circulars, Airworthiness Directives, FARs and information

AC 20-27G - Certification and Operation of Amateur-Built Aircraft (PDF format)
AC 90-89C - Amateur-Built Aircraft & Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook (Revised 2/14/2023) (PDF format)

FAA's links for:
    ADS-B performance request from FAA
    FAA Information for General Aviation - Main menu - A LOT of good info!
    FARs - Current list of all Regs
    AIM - Current Aeronautical Information Manual (Select top link "Aeronautical Information Manual" for latest version)
    Airworthiness Directives - Master index to all ADs. Select "Airworthiness Directives (ADs)"->"AD Final Rules"
    Airmen Search
    Aircraft / N number Search
    Form 337
    Notices to Airmen
    Terminal Procedures Publications - NACO Instrument Approach plates - .pdf format (FREE!)
  **  FAA's stance on "Mandatory Service Bulletins"    from AVweb on May 7, 2001
  **  FAA Flight Plan Aircraft Type: ( replacing the "HXB/_" )
        Mustang II  -  MUS2/_
        Midget Mustang  -  MIMU/_

FCC     Aircraft Licensing

NTSB Accident Database

Suppliers used for this project

Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Company - the catalog itself is an education!
Avery Tools - all the tools for your Mustang project
B & B Aircraft Supplies - source of dimpled nutplates.
Bendix / King Avionics - Transponder, DME
Bondurant Avionics - S-Tec autopilot and Garmin GNS
Garmin Avionics - GPS
Hartzell Propeller
Mountain High Oxygen - XPC Oxygen system
Northern Lights Avionics - Anchorage, Alaska.   Great GPS selection, survival gear
Porcine Associates - GPS "Smart Coupler" - Very smooth, does a great job!
PS Engineering - intercom
Textron Lycoming - Engine data, Service Publications
Wicks Aircraft

Other shopping

Aircraft Shopper Online
AOPA Pilot magazine advertisers links
Gardner Aircraft Sales
White Industries - Aircraft parts and salvage


AOPA - Aircraft Owner's and Pilot's Association
EAA - Experimental Aircraft Association
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

ATC Flight Tracking

Flight Aware - Track Aircraft in flight
   Flight Aware - Tracking history of N727RH
   Flight Aware - Tracking history of N727RL
   Flight Aware - Tracking history of N2942J
Flight View - Track Aircraft in flight (Use "FX" as Airline Code for FedEx)
Flight Explorer - Real time ATC display


AOPA Members Weather - Graphics and access to DUATS
Intellicast Weather - World-wide Weather
NOAA Aviation Weather Center Products
NOAA Alaska Aviation Weather Unit

Other sites

Collierville Computer - My son's Computer business
FedEx Flight Operations