Flying a Mustang in: | (HBC= Home Built Camping) |
Les Burril | M-I N23LM (GA) | most of the week Racing in the AirVenture Cup | |
Jay Burrows | M-II C-GVRZ (AB, CA) | Su-Th | HBC |
Carlo Cilliers | M-II N462MC (MD) | all week | |
Serge Desilets | M-II C-FFKT (QC, CA) | | |
Ron Gibbs | M-II N85RG (TX) | Su-Th | HBC |
Rick Henry | M-II N727RH (TN / AK) | all week | |
Kent Hulick | M-II N669S (TX) | all week | |
Larry Kinder | M-II N81LK (FL) | Mo,Tu,We | |
John Martino | M-II N355JM (GA) | Racing in the AirVenture Cup | |
Pat Price | M-II N1861D (VA) | | |
Brian Schmidtbauer | M-II N992S (MN) | Mo,Tu | |
Karl Utterback | M-II N91622 (IN) | all week | |
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Attending: | | | |
Chris Chambliss | OSH ATC Controller | | |
Brad Claridge | | | |
Kirk Harrell | (AL) | | |
Dave Meyer | | | |
John Nunley | | | |
Dean Olson | (IL) | | |
Nick Panasenko | (IL) | | |
Pat Price | | | |
Ron Simard | | | |
Tim Thorn | (Australia) | | |
Bruce Tucker | (MI) | | |
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